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Tip Jar
Yes, there's a tip jar sitting on the counter. No, that does not obligate you to tip anything into it. Please only donate if you're sure you can afford it.
Recurring Support

$4.00 per month
or $0.80 for subs
Twitch subs receive this promotional price as long as they're subscribed on Twitch
Thank you for being willing to support me!
- 4% off purchases
- A special role on the “Heather Babbles About Writing” Discord server
$8.00 per month
or $2.96 for subs
Twitch subs receive this promotional price as long as they're subscribed on Twitch
Thank you so much for your support!
- 8% off purchases
- A special role on the “Heather Babbles About Writing” Discord server
$16.00 per month
This is starting to get into real money. Are you sure you want to do this?
- 16% off purchases
- A special role on the “Heather Babbles About Writing” Discord server
$32.00 per month
What are you thinking‽
I appreciate your support. Truly I do. But surely you need this money for your own needs?
Thank you so much. Just please make sure you're not hurting yourself, to do this.
- 25% off purchases
- A special role on the “Heather Babbles About Writing” Discord server
Gift membership
Your gift will be given away live at twitch.tv/angsthase!